Tune in and join me as I chat with experts across every aspect of life. These candid conversations are an opportunity for us to unpack their personal learnings, professional growth and their biggest lessons. From wellbeing and finance to relationships and career advice, we cover the whole wheel of life.

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 9 - The power of 8

2024 (2+0+2+4) in numerology is an “8 year”, this means abundance, success and karma. Everything you’re putting out; you’re going to get back.  It’s a powerful year as it’s all about you taking personal responsibility, & taking those actions to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Eight is also my favourite number as it represents infinity (∞), to me it’s about infinite growth, change, evolution, and the infinite possibilities that we have in life and business. I truly believe we all have the infinite possibilities and opportunities.  It’s just a case of being tuned in to it, believing it and taking action on it.

In this episode, I also talk about the “The Power of 8 Wellbeing Program” and why I’ve created this. If you’re feeling called to join us in the program, you can get more information here or message me directly on my socials.

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 8 - Environmental wellbeing - what more can you do for the planet? 

My intention with this episode today is to share with you things that I’ve implemented into my life over the last six years that has made me feel less shame & guilt, to feeling more inspired and passionate about things that I can do to help make a more positive impact on our environment. 

These things have empowered me to take personal responsibility for my actions and for the impact that I have on the environment everyday. Even though I’m one person, I have an impact on the environment, we all do. 

Essentially humans are part of nature, we have evolved from nature, we are one. There seems to be this disconnect that’s happened over many generations where humans have completely ruined the environment and our planet so… 

I want you to take note of these questions: 

  • What more can I do for myself to improve my own wellbeing?
  • What more can I do for my family?
  • What more can I do for the community?
  • What more can I do for the planet? 

Really ask yourself those questions every single day. That’s what I’ve done for the last three years. I wake up every day asking myself those questions because when I listen to the answers, they take me to a place that takes my wellbeing to a whole other level, and I know that it can do it for you too.

I’ve got your back!

Love, Michelle x 

P.S. Subscribe to Michelle’s Weekly Wellness and Join my “I’ve Got Your Back” community.

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 7 - Greatness requires stillness - with Andy Fell

I am delighted to have a very special guest on with us today, Andy Fell. 

Andy and I have known each other for many years and he was actually my business coach back in 2020 at a very pivotal time. 

This episode is all about one of the 8 key dimensions of well-being that I believe is so important – your work & career.  Some of you listening are perhaps in a job or have fallen into a career that you’re deeply unhappy with. Or some of you earn great money but are deeply unfulfilled. 

My hope is that this conversation will spark feelings and emotions or questions that give you hope that you can get paid to do work you love and to develop a career that lights you up! 

In this episode, Andy shares how he did a 180 in his career aged 50! He spoke about finding stillness in your life, slowing down so you can hear yourself think. 

Tune in to this episode to hear more tips from Andy when it comes to your work & career including how to set goals!  I am so excited for you to hear Andy’s wisdom and his inspiring journey.

I’ve got your back, Michelle x

Buy Andy’s book

Find Andy on YouTube

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 6 - The Power of Community for your wellbeing

This episode is all about community and why community is so important to our overall wellbeing.

Over the years, the definition of community has developed beyond just a physical group being together. The introduction of technology, social media, online courses and Facebook groups has allowed the world to form communities all around the world, not just in one physical space.

When we have these different communities in our lives that accept & empower us, and make us feel that we belong no matter what, that’s when it becomes really powerful and the spirit of belonging comes in.

Which is why I’m so excited to invite you to my new “I’ve Got Your Back” Facebook community and Michelle’s Weekly Wisdom.  Every Wednesday receive a weekly dose of all things wellbeing, wisdom, business, entrepreneurship, wonder and adventure.

I’ve got your back!

Love, Michelle x 

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 5 - Why is Gut Health so important?

I’m excited to bring you a topic that I’m so passionate about, and that is gut health. 

7 years ago my gut was in a complete mess and as a result my physical health was at an extremely low point.

I wanted to share some of my wisdom and learnings from my journey so far, because the more I learn about myself and the more I mentor people with their wellbeing – the more I understand why so many struggle with their health. 

Some of you may or may not know this, but essentially your gut is like your second brain and whatever you’re putting into your body can affect your mind and mental health. Which is why it’s important that you are mindful about what we’re putting in our bodies.

Your body is a temple, you’ve been given this body. It’s so important that you look after this vessel because this is the body that’s going to carry you through life, hopefully for a very long time.

For more info about the Thrive Gut Health Programme – drop me an email.

I’ve got your back! Love, Michelle.

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 4 - Supercharge your Financial wellbeing – with Melissa Browne

Hey pal, welcome to season three of I’ve Got Your Back the podcast.

I am so excited to introduce Melissa Browne @melbrowne.money on today’s episode, because I have learned so much from this woman over the years! Financial wellbeing is such a critical part of your overall wellbeing, but it’s one of those subjects we don’t talk about that often and it was certainly not something I was taught about in school.

Mel shares her inspiring journey with us today from having less than zero in the bank to owning multi-million-dollar businesses and being financially independent.

Her passion is to help women to become financially empowered & financially literate in both their finances and in their businesses.

Having the financial knowledge, empowering yourself and choosing today to take that first step is pivotal for improving your financial wellbeing.

It is possible to still look after your future self without scrimping and saving.

I’ve got your back!

Love, Michelle x

P.S. make sure you click on the link in my bio that shares Mel’s masterclasses and courses we spoke about on this episode ! I highly recommend the Financial Adulting Program too.

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 3 - My journey with alcohol

I am really excited to be talking with you today about one thing I’m very passionate about and something that I truly believe can positively or negatively impact all aspects of your well being, and that is alcohol.

Some of you may not know this, but I’ve not drank alcohol since the 1st of January 2017. I wanted to share my story with you and the events that led up to this.

Drinking alcohol is something that’s been heavily ingrained in our culture, society and even our identity from a very young age and It’s been very socially acceptable to drink a lot of alcohol, especially growing up in Scotland and living in Australia.

This isn’t me saying you mustn’t drink alcohol ever again, but I believe it’s so important to talk about its impact on your well-being so you can decide for yourself.

Remember – I’ve (always) got your back!

Love, Michelle x

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 2 - Mastering mindfulness - with Mark Purser

For today’s episode I’ve invited my good friend Mark Purser, who is the founder of Bamboo Yoga & a qualified Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga Teacher. Mark is full of wisdom and full of fun, I had the pleasure of completing my breath work & meditation teacher training course with him in Byron Bay (Bundjalung Country) in 2021.

Mark shares his journey in becoming a yogi and how it’s shaped his life. As well as sharing his relationship with alcohol and some really cool studies & facts about Yoga Nidra! Did you know that if you practice yoga nidra for 30 mins as you study you are 50% more likely to retain what you are learning! 

The truth is we carry so much tension in our bodies because our minds are so active all of the time. Through practicing breath work and yoga it gives you the reset you need and helps to reprogram subconscious patterns.

It’s so important that we lean into these practices more as a core pillar of our wellbeing.

Podcast available via link in comments and on all podcast channels – search “I’ve got your back” and make sure you subscribe 😊

Michelle x

P.S. My Yoga Nidra practice (just 20 minutes) is the perfect place to start with this: Yoga Nidra Practice

Guide to Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

Teach & Learn Better With A Neuroplasticity Super Protocol

Season 3 (Wellbeing) - Episode 1 - The different dimensions of wellbeing

This season is all about wellbeing, I believe this is the number one thing that all of us must master to really live a fulfilled life.

In this season I’m going to be speaking from my lived experience and sharing all of this with you!

The eight dimensions of wellbeing we will be covering in this season are: Career, relationships, financial wellbeing, health and physical health, emotional wellbeing, personal development, community and belonging, physical environment… I want you to start looking at these different areas of your life and rating yourself from 1 to 10!

This is going to be a brilliant season – I love anything that can contribute to us being better humans. Enjoy… and remember, I’ve got your back.

Love, Michelle.

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 8 - Mum-preneurial Journey - with Meg McLean​

Welcome to the final episode of season two of I’ve Got Your Back podcast. I have the honour and pleasure of having Meg McLean with us today! Meg has been one of my best friends for many years, she helps Mums chase their goals and is the host of She Can the podcast.

Meg shares her journey from growing up in an entrepreneurial family in her younger years to becoming a full-time entrepreneur. Meg knew that she would have freedom and more time with her kids being an entrepreneur, the traditional 9-5 job wasn’t for her. 

This episode is jam packed full of wisdom and inspiration, as well as a lot of funny stories (including the one about getting arrested) – I can’t wait for you to listen!

Have you downloaded my Yoga Nidra practice gift to you yet?

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 7 - Positive force for change - My Schumacher College experience

This episode is all about my experience of attending Schumacher College in Devon, England.  This 5 day experience gives you light and exposure to everything that they do at the college.

It’s not your typical traditional education system, it’s about head, heart and hands on learning.  Everything you do has to challenge the mind, get your heart to connect and use your hands to learn things.  I love this approach.

When you’re working for something that you believe in, that you know is going to make a difference, it’s meaningful and is going to make a positive impact, that is creating love and beauty in the world.  This is very much what the college stands for.

Quick reminder … have you downloaded my Yoga Nidra practice gift to you yet?

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 6 - Portfolio career, changing up your environment and the entrepreneur’s curse

In this episode we are covering 3 key topics that have been coming up a lot recently! 

First up … we’re talking all about portfolio careers – what they are and how to have one.  Secondly we are chatting about the importance of changing up your environment as an entrepreneur to create inspiration and new opportunities!

Lastly, I wanted to talk to you about the entrepreneurs curse.  This is something that I’m very aware of for myself and also that other entrepreneurs struggle too.

Also, don’t forget to sure to download my Yoga Nidra practice gift to you!

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 5 - Full time employee to full time Entrepreneur – With Louise Skipper

In this episode, I am joined by my amazing friend Louise Skipper, from Scotland.  Me and Louise have been in business together now for almost 14 years! This is a jam-packed conversation about her extraordinary journey from full time employee to full time entrepreneur and how she is continuing to cultivate her entrepreneurial spirit.  

This episode is especially for you mums out there.  Seeing Louise run multiple business and income streams, as well as being a wife, mum of 3 and women of faith is so inspiring!

P.S. Remember to download my Yoga Nidra gift to you (20 minutes of this practice is the equivalent of 3 hours deep sleep).

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 4 - Navigating the ups and downs of Entrepreneurship

I wanted to bring you an episode on how to navigate the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur when a personal thing happens, or when something significant happens in your business.

I will be covering a couple of things that have really helped me throughout the years. By making sure you have multiple streams of income, this prepares you for impact and ensures your income doesn’t stop. Life is going to throw you all kinds of things, whether it’s good, whether it’s bad, it’s better to be prepared by having structure, systems, and multiple income streams within your business.

Cultivate the relationships of your support crew, both from business and a personal point of view will help immensely. Make sure you’re always protecting your mindset daily too; this means that the highs and the lows are not going to be as extreme.

Be sure to download my Yoga Nidra practice gift to you

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 3 - The stages and phases of Entrepreneurship

Today I wanted to talk to you about the mindset phases and different stages of entrepreneurship.  The two mindsets we tend to operate from is the fixed growth mindset or benefit mindset.

We grew up with the system telling us when we start learning, the subjects we will learn, when we had our lunch break and when we would leave – just like a clock in, clock out 9 to 5. 

Whatever stage you’re at, I want to help you work through the mindsets. When you work through these different stages in your mind, you will be able to fast track to becoming a social entrepreneur full time.

If we can all start to embody the benefit mindset and operate from that place every single day, it allows us to create amazing businesses that will benefit all. I’m a strong believer in this.

Be sure to download my Yoga Nidra practice gift to you

Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 2 - 8 KEY lessons in Entrepreneurship

Welcome to episode two, season two of I’ve Got Your Back the podcast which is all about entrepreneurship! In episode one I share a lot of my journey moving from a full-time employee to full time social entrepreneur. There’s been many lessons in all those years but today I wanted to share my 8 key lessons.

As you’re building your business, whatever stage you’re at in this cycle, always remember it’s about being in service to others. When you help other people, you’re going to help the planet, you’re going to help communities. It’s huge ripple effect.

As always, I’ve got your back.



Season 2 (Entrepreneurship) - Episode 1 - How my Entrepreneurship Journey began

Welcome to season 2 of I’ve Got Your Back podcast.  I’m so excited for this new season because I LOVE being an entrepreneur and I love learning from other entrepreneurs. If you are an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur curious about how to be one, if you want to know about what it means and how to embody the mindset, or even create ways to become an entrepreneur, then this season for you!

I thought I would start the first episode sharing my journey to becoming a social entrepreneur. I want to share my story to really encourage you and inspire you to embody the entrepreneurial mindset. I believe it’s important to share our stories so that we can learn from each other’s lessons.

I have learnt over the years that you get to have more of an impact as an entrepreneur. I only choose work now that brings me great joy and that’s going to make a positive impact on people and our planet.

My Yoga Nidra practice gift to you

I've Got Your Back - Trailer

Welcome to I’ve Got Your Back, the podcast.

I’m Michelle Sutherland and this is a place where I want to empower and inspire you to tap into the deepest desires of your heart and discover the magic within.

This podcast is for people who are open, people who are curious, people that want to learn and grow, people that want to feel inspired, people that want to be empowered.

Like every single person in this world is unique… I want to bring that uniqueness and showcase this and definitely have each other’s back. And I feel the more that we have each other’s back, the better the world will be.

So I look forward to going on this journey with you!

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 1 - My B Corp Story

Welcome!! I’m so excited and delighted to be sharing with you my B Corp story in the very first episode of Got Your Back, the podcast and why it’s so important.

I truly believe that the B Corp movement and community are absolutely transforming businesses worldwide, the impact over the next few years will be significant!

I share with you my own B Corp story, how I found out about this and how I got involved. It’s always good to know how things are born, let’s start from the beginning… Enjoy!

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 2 - Becoming B Corp Certified

In today’s episode I’m talking to you more about B Corp, specifically why you would want to become a B Corp and the reasons behind it.  

It all starts with the why.

I really believe that businesses need to be more purpose driven, people driven, and more planet driven.  It’s no longer good enough to be a profit driven business only.  As individuals, society and as humanity, we’re all demanding more and we’re demanding better! 

I’m super passionate about this topic and want to share all my insights with you, so grab a cuppa and let’s dive in … 

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 3 - The HOW - Steps to becoming B Corp certified

So far, we’ve covered my B Corp story and we’ve spoken about the why and why it’s important as a business owner.  In today’s episode of we’re going to talk about the How’s. 

If you want to explore B Corp as a business owner, or even if you’re an employee in a business, it’s important to look at what’s involved.  This is a practical episode where I take you through the process and what it takes to become B Corp Certified.  I’ve also created this handy free Become B Corp Certified guide to compliment this episode.

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 4 - a B Corp Journey - with Glen Hare, Fox & Hare Financial

Glen shares with you in today’s episode about the business’ journey to becoming B Corp Certified. He discusses the challenges they had to overcome and opportunities they seized over the course of 18 months; it was quite the experience!

Becoming B Corp certified is a journey, it takes time, money, commitment, resources and is just the beginning of being on the path of doing good and continuously being better. Making the commitment to become B Corp certified is making the commitment to change and evolve, it’s incredibly powerful. 

 I’ve also created this handy free Become B Corp Certified guide to compliment this episode.

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 5 - Paving the path to positive change - with Holly McQueen, Verdecon

We have got such an awesome guest speaker today. Holly works for Verdecon, a construction company based in Byron Bay, Australia. 

Holly takes us through her journey of guiding Verdecon to becoming B Corp Certified and how it’s shaped the business. Holly has just completed the recertification for Verdecon. She shares how having the B Corp stamp gives great credibility and trust within the business, which is hard to come by in the construction industry.

Being part of such positive change in business creates a huge ripple effect and paves the path for others to do the same.

Be sure to download our free Become B Corp Certified guide to compliment this episode.

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 6 - Sustainable Beauty - with Isobel Foye, The Hair Lounge

Today we have an amazing woman on the podcast who I have known for many years.  Isobel Foye, is the current director of her family-owned business, The Hair Lounge based in Wollongong, NSW, Australia.  The Hair Lounge started when Isobel was 4 years old by her mother and sustainability, and the environment has always been a big part of their business model.

Together we worked on Isobel’s B Corp certification for her hairdressing salon. The Hair Lounge went on to become 6th in the world with the B Corp certification at the time. 

I’ve been so impressed with people like Isobel and many other hairdressing salon owners that are doing incredible work and really making a positive impact on the environment.

Remember that you can download our free Become B Corp Certified guide to learn what’s involved in becoming B Corp certified.

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 7 - Purpose before profit - with Sonja Ceri (Four Drunk Parrots)

I am so excited to introduce Sonja Ceri on today’s episode, who I met in Byron Bay!  Sonja is a marketing strategist by day, mother of two under five at night, and is not afraid to use her voice. She is the owner of the company, Four Drunk Parrots, a name you will never forget! I love this woman; I think she is phenomenal.

Sonja’s passion for the environment and social impact has led her and her business to becoming B Corp certified. They also became the 1st business in the Northern Rivers, Australia to become climate neutral and are a member of 1% for the planet!

Sonja believes the world would be a better place if more business owners put purpose before profit and used their business as a force for good!

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 8 - Blind spots within the B Corp journey – with Glen Reiss and Phoebe Preuss (Living Koko)

The stories behind this company are amazing, I am so excited for you to hear this episode today. Koko in Samoan means Cacao and Koko (Toto) also means blood. Living Koko means the collective journey of bloodlines coming together to activate a space and creation of cacao products.

Living Koko is currently working within Samoa and Papua New Guinea. The environment has always been a big part of their business model. They’re working with over 400 domestic plot farmers in the pacific islands. It is a 0-waste cacao manufacturing space that is run by solar energy and is all about sustainable farming practices. 

Be sure to download our free Become B Corp Certified guide, for help and support on your B Corp journey.

Season 1 (B Corp) - Episode 9 - Leading with your heart - B for Good Leaders summit

Today’s episode I’m going to be giving you an insight into the B for Good Leaders summit in Amsterdam that I attended! I’ll be sharing about the learnings I had and the people I met. It was such an incredible event predominantly made up of B Corp companies and leaders from around the world. Last year there was 600, this year there was 1200, with leaders from 50 different countries.

It’s so important to have these types of events. When you lead with your heart, you will always find yourself in front of other people that lead with their heart too. When you’re aligned in this common goal of redefining what success looks like in business and really wanting to build a regenerative economy, not only does the planet benefits, but we benefit as well.

One of the messages that came through was that Mother Earth is going to be fine with or without us. That’s the reality. It’s up to us to focus on ourselves, show up and do good.



If you’re looking for personal advice, wellbeing tips and the lessons I’ve learned along the way on my journey, you’ve come to the right place.